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Laura Mitchell, BSc. (Kin,), M.OMSc.


Laura Mitchell is an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner in good standing with the Ontario Osteopathic Association and her goal is to help individuals move toward and maintain the highest level of health available to them.

Laura’s strong interest in anatomy and physiology began in high school where she imagined a career helping others in the field of healthcare. She completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo knowing it would give her a solid base of biomechanics, anatomy, and physiology to build upon.

Laura discovered Osteopathy near the end of her time at UW and she was immediately impressed at the scientific and holistic approach to healing that osteopathy offered. She spent the next four years studying year round at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy, earning her Master of Practice in Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences. This program taught her scientific treatment principles and provided all the tools necessary to provide effective treatment.

Laura is acutely aware that health is complex, multi-faceted, and deeply personal, and she works closely with her patients to ensure that they are getting the best care for their needs. She helps to set realistic expectations and provides a safe treatment plan for optimal improvement, as well as keeps her patients informed and educated about how they can participate in their healing.